Thursday, May 18, 2006

The Photographer

Okay, so it's still raining! Since doing outdoor photography is impossible today. Here's a poem instead! ;) It is a cinquain, according to form, with 2, 4, 6, 8, 2 syllables in five lines.

The Photographer

Mind's eye
Ribbon unfurls
Revealing misty earth
Colors colliding with black lines
of truth.

Copyright 2006 JO Janoski

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Monday, May 15, 2006

The Writer... a poem about the experience, such as it is...

The Writer

Black Ink Abyss
Iron-cloaked scribe
My pen issues gray hollow flow
of words.

White Blast
Passion discharged
Released in sonic boom
Shooting inspiration bullets
in verse.

Copyright 2006 JO Janoski

Couple stung by second beehive theft

Couple stung by second beehive theft - Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

You have to wonder why someone would steal a beehive...???

Friday, May 12, 2006

A Dagwood Sandwich?

Are you ready for a Dagwood Sandwich?

Hi Babe is Terror Message

Looks like lovers will have to be careful how they express themselves after these terrorists in Australia so they don't call attention to themselves. So much for sweet phrases of love!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Resident Wrens

We have two tiny wrens who take up housekeeping every May in two birdhouses on our front porch, built just for them, I might add.

We first noticed the wrens years ago when my husband found birds nesting in a hanging basket on the porch. He set about to the task of building the birdhouses from scratch, work which he enjoys. But I'm certain he also wanted the birds out of his greenery.

They are bold little creatures. Each time one of us, including the dog, steps out on the porch, he is greeted with a tsunami of squawks and squeals big enough to knock a person off his feet. You can see the tiny scoundrels, beaks wide open, in the rhododendron next to the porch, so we know who is doing all the yelling. ;) The wrens have no fear of us big old lumbering humans.

What I am still trying to figure out is, how can such a
tiny bird have such a BIG chirp!  Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

To Sharon

Spring Hillside
Originally uploaded by jojanoski.
Life goes round, Sharon, dear
Swirling in constant motion
Til new beginnings reappear

Life fills with smiles while joy is near
Til Fate offers up new emotions
Life goes round, Sharon, dear

Shadows fall while grief lurks near
While Life again stirs its motion
Til new beginnings reappear

During the darkness, Light is near
Waiting with brand new notions
Life goes round, Sharon, dear

Dance in the Light, Sharon, dear
Through these darkest emotions
Til new beginnings reappear

Forging a Life without fear
Of the dark and its bleak notions
Life goes round, Sharon, dear
Til new beginnings reappear

Sunday, May 07, 2006

May Flowers

May Flowers
Originally uploaded by jojanoski.
I love these wildflowers that roll across our lawn every May. I have only just discovered exactly what they are--Bluets/Quaker-ladies. You can read about them at

May Sings

May sings in the morning
in an air ringing clear.
Birds pipe in the chorus,
in diamond drops of cheer.

Grass sparkling with sunshine
blazing a trail of gold
in lacy patches flowing
through leafy branches bold.

Emerging from the grass,
blue twinkles so sublime.
Tiny bluets cluster
in May, a magic time.

The blueness of the flowers
The soft green of the grass
So delicate, so musical,
May's sparkle bound to last.

Copyright JO Janoski

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Lilies of the Valley

Lilies of the Valley
Originally uploaded by jojanoski.
I'm testing my new flickr account, posting from there. We have a huge patch of lilies of the valley in our front yard. I love their syrupy scent and the green curving leaves that wrap around sweet little white flowers. Lilies of the valley are my favorite flowers which seems appropriate since they are the flower for May birthdays, and my birthday is in May!

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

The times sure have changed...

The times sure have changed...I was at the hospital today. I should begin by mentioning I worked in a hospital 30 years ago. In those days, I remember only a couple "codes" for the intercom--Code red for a fire, code blue for a cardiac arrest. Nowadays, they have  a code gray for a disaster (not specified what type of disaster, leading one to wonder); code pink for child abduction; code yellow for a bomb; code red for a cardiac arrest and code blue for something ambiguously dangerous...I forget now what word they used--let's just call it a really bad event like a terrorist attack or something. All indicating the world's become a dangerous place.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Glimpses of people in poetry...

Glimpses of people in poetry...

The Teacher

Steel ice
Eyes shoot lightning
Taps her wooden pointer
Demanding complete attention

*    *    *

The Huckster

Whoa here!
Grizzled fellow
Hawking fresh tomatoes
From a screaming dented red truck
Near you

*    *    *
Copyright 2006 JO Janoski