Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Four Letter No-No Weekend

Well, after a weekend of despicable wind, snow flurries, and general all-around winter misery, today we have a warm, sunny disposition of a day mimicking spring, which is hopefully on the way. I cussed a lot this weekend. Every time I stepped outside, I spew out a plethora of four-letter no-no's that should have made me blush. But the air was too cold for my cheeks to get hot. With that in mind, here is a little poem I wrote about spring and its slow dance into our lives this year. It is a Jozzonet, a Dutch form of poetry.

A form of poetry with an odd number of lines with the middle line functioning as a mirror.

Spring Graces
(A Jozzonet)

Spring graces the land with soft whispers
Spraying gentle blossoms and sweet scents
Birds and animals snuggle close to her breast
As life is reborn in the forest
Birds and animals snuggle close to her breast
Spraying gentle blossoms and sweet scents
Spring graces the land with soft whispers

Copyright 2005 JO Janoski

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