Thursday, March 19, 2009

Her Hats

Hats like music hiding her face.
Melodies race
past my logic.
Ribboned magic.

Gauzy glances vibrant flowers
exert powers
meant to deceive
what I perceive.

Lurking under ribbons with plume
eyes speaking doom.
Her hat obscures
dark smile demure.

Copyright 2009 JO Janoski


  1. I enjoyed this, Jo. Perhaps more in the past than today, but doesn't a hat make or break an outfit??

  2. Anonymous8:46 AM

    It's simply amazing what a lady can keep under her hat isn't it? Dan...I think it's the shoes!

  3. Love the hats and the poem! Spring is here and hats are all the flair!

  4. Thank you, Olivia! I see you are a neighbor.

  5. I love the colorful pic. And always love your writings, and very behind.

  6. Hi Jo,

    Loved the picture, and of course your wonderful poem to match!

  7. Anonymous6:30 AM

    hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

  8. Anonymous7:00 AM

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  9. Anonymous11:41 PM

    My great aunt always wore this little navy blue pill-box hat with a small face-veil... What is it about hats anyway? I look soooo stupid in any hat, but some people wear them with such panache!!
