Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Daffodil Chorus

photo and poem copyright Jo Janoski

Daffodil Chorus

Smiling faces aglow with sun
waiting with heaven's ambiance
posture perfect, lined up as one.

Consummately grand eloquence
a single grin, forceful and sweet
as each speaks in proper sequence.

Yet heard as one musical feat
in notes profound, haunting my soul
with messages divine, complete.


  1. Hi Jo,

    Are the daffodils from your yard! I've some growing here too! Your poem was so cheery, thank you! Can't wait for the weekend warmer weather coming! :)

  2. I love daffodils, and you poems was sensational!

  3. Such enthusiastic endorsements! Oh, and Jo, I can't wait for that weather!

  4. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Ahhh. Needed this today. It's bright and lovely just like the flowers.

    Just yesterday plucked the last of ours that hadn't wilted in the 90 degree++ weather!!!

  5. Yep. We all need bright, lovely flowers right about now.

  6. Hey Jo,

    Computer crashed, lost your email. Need to talk to you...contact me at trishmacqueen at gmail dot com. Thanks, looking forward to it and great blog and poem.
