Monday, December 10, 2007

The Elf's Life

The Elf's Life

Elves play in snow outside at night
'til morning light.
Then work away
to load the sleigh.

They tug and push big sacks of toys
for girls and boys,
but it's like play
to make kids' day.

As Santa boards his sleigh that night
with laughter light
to fulfill dreams
thanks to elf teams.

Copyright 2007 JO Janoski


  1. So, if I understand the concept, elves are basically Santa's longshoremen... 8>) Very seasonal, Jo, it takes a lot of talent to write to form in this manner... I can't do it. Cudos!

  2. for all their work what do they gain?
    a candy cane?
    a bright blue bow?
    i just don't know....

    very cute!!!!!

  3. Sounds like somebody better come in and talk to the elves about organizing...I hope they don't. Where's the magic in that? lol.

  4. Very nice and seasonal. Your form and function always well done.

  5. I love the pic and poem. they go well together

  6. This should be like one of those inspirational postars...
    "Teamwork: Making dreams come true"
