Saturday, February 02, 2008

Sea Change

Sea Change
(A Tanka)

Day mysterious
Draped in gray indifference
While white sparks gather
In edgy excited crowds
Marching in mob formation.

Copyright 2008 JO Janoski


  1. A superbowl poem... As usual another great image within a form (and I was just kidding about the reference to the mob in AZ).

  2. Harry, lol. Maybe that mob will go after my least favorite quarterback.

  3. The mob, no doubt, flocking to pay homage to World's Greatest Football team, led by World's Greatest Quarterback. (I'd go on, but I think I just threw up a little bit...)

    Jo, I know nothing of the form, but I seriously admire you for perfecting your craft.

  4. I can hear the waves a crashin'...

  5. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Jo, I have to confess that when it comes to imagery, I am woefully deficient. I was born to think logically, but I like to think the poem describes the foam from the nostrils of sea unicorns cavorting in the sea as the wavelets wash it to shore.

  6. Mary Anonymous, the way you describe the sea sure sounds poetic to me!
